Welcome to Just DOGS Follow-On Plus. These videos are designed to compliment, reinforce and take you to the next level following the Just Dogs 4 Week Follow-On Course. It’s not essential to have completed the actual 4 weeks but you may find it helpful to have been in a group environment, understanding and practicing some of these trickier aspects with hands-on help if needed… Impulse Control and building value in to you and your dogs relationship (The Hoggy Pot) will give you the on and off lead reliability, recall from distractions and socialisation skills that you and your dog are perhaps struggling with. Many of the videos will take you to the next level and beyond… Be ready to understand your beloved dog that bit more, get on board with the games and affect real change in the real world…!
If you and your dog have enjoyed this course and want more, please get in touch… We have plenty of strategies to keep the HOGGY BANK topped up!!!
Bespoke training or may be the amazing Scent Workshops, the Fun Agility, Flyball or perhaps even a Motivation Clinic or confidence building Group Walk is the next step.
Enjoy and hope to see you soon… No pressure, just enjoy your dog and keep the learning fun..!
You will need a 4 legged friend, clicker, treats, harness, collar, lead & toy!
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